Friday, January 15, 2010

Angus' Wee Little Boots!

Hi and welcome to a new experiment on our blog! We are going to try to load up a video for your viewing pleasure.

This is a video of Angus trying on his new snowboots. Can't you just hear Shrek saying "Awww! Look at his wee little boots!" We bought these for the times we go cross-country skiing. When we took Katie skiing a few years ago, we noticed that when the snow was crusty, her feet would begin to bleed after a while. So we wanted to try these boots to see if that would help Angus' feet.

We decided to try them on in the house first. You may notice a lot of laughing in the background from us. We'll have to admit, Angus is a very good sport about all the stuff that we try on him.